Monitoring Daily Walk Around Checks

"How Can We Effectively Monitor Our Drivers' Daily Walk Around Checks?"

The significance of daily walkaround checks in any maintenance system cannot be overstated, requiring consistent oversight to ensure these checks are performed with precision. Utilising tachograph analysis is beneficial in gaining a deeper understanding of the time dedicated to these checks, thus enhancing the overall monitoring process.

A highly recommended approach for evaluating the quality of daily checks involves the use of a visiting agent or an adept in-house staff member to conduct a secondary inspection of the vehicle upon its entry or exit from the operating centre. This 'gatecheck' process, which we employ for several clients, involves comparing the outcomes of these inspections with the driver's defect reports. This comparison is instrumental in ascertaining the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the driver's initial check, ensuring no conflicts of interest exist.

Incorporating these walkaround checks into regular safety inspections is another effective method. It is essential for inspectors to pinpoint any defects that might have been missed during the driver’s daily checks. Following up with a thorough review of the driver defect reports and taking appropriate actions to determine and address the reasons for any oversights is critical.

Ongoing surveillance is fundamental to sustaining effective management control over the maintenance system. Adopting a risk-based approach, where intensified checks and remedial actions are initiated upon identifying any issues, is crucial for upholding your operation's safety and regulatory compliance.

It's important to note that a comprehensive operator compliance audit will typically include inquiries regarding monitoring drivers' daily checks. You must be prepared to showcase evidence of your monitoring procedures and the corresponding records to demonstrate compliance and best practices in operation management.

If you would like us to take care of your monitoring of daily checks, please don't hesitate to call us on 0333 567 1966 or book a free online call with us at 
